Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mangai kulambu

As the name indicates this kuzhambu made with ripe mangoes will be little thick but with the consistency it will be in the midst of gravy and the sambar.I learnt this dish from my in-law who is an expert in village side cuisines.She makes a wonderful kuzhambu out of this, which pairs up with fried appalam .

Mangai kulambu


Curry leaves-5
Turmeric-1/2 spoon
Jaggery or karuppatti – 2 spoon
Mustard seeds- ½ spoon
Oil-3 tsp
Salt to taste

To make a paste:

Shallots- 1 cup
Coconut shredded-1/2 cup
Coriander seeds -4 spoon
Cumin seeds ­-1 spoon
Pepper corns-1 spoon
Red chilli- 4
Curry leaves-4
Vendhayam-half spoon

Fry the above ingredients and grind it to a fine paste

1.Heat oil in a pan and add mustard seeds.
2.When it splutters, add curry leaves and the cut mangoes
3.Saute it for few minutes and add the ground paste
4. Add 1 cup of water to it. Cover it partly with a lid and keep in a medium flame.
5. Finally, add jaggery or karupatti .Remove from fire when oil floats on top.


nataraj said...

Great Work!!!
it would be great if you could post new cuisine which can be prepared with Microwave.

Anonymous said...

please send these items to osama bin ladan.

Abarna said...

Great work krithi. Put some North Indian Dishes also. Will be useful for so many ppl like me :)

Abarna said...

Great work krithi:) Put some New dishes also so that it ll be useful like ppl like me :):)