I Just wanna bring it to ur knowledge dat my blog is still alive n me too(:-)
Well, U must think dat I ve turned into such a lazy lass dat i dint posted even a single word for last 4-5 months.. The thing is dat I ve lost my digi cam to post flashy n mouth-watering pics(guess so!!) for u n i jus found it few days back..Anywayz, I ll take time to dust it n bring it back to my usage..So, i ve decided to post some nonsense in dis post n how abt telling abt de birth of "land of aromas"..
"College life"-Its a fun package altogether n thr whr my cooking saga began..Oops,I am not frm catering school anywayz..I did my engineering n eventually emerged as a good cook..Surely inhoherent(isnt it?)..The credit goes to the well established(!!!) mess of our college.. Hostel life is one wr u can feel the effect of "food craving"..Slowly, we all got fed up wit the purely vegetarian food(??despite of dat cockroaches in curd rice)..So, we started our mission of cooking wit the electric cooker.. We, in our gang, all were novice n dint even know to cut de vegetables properly. We started de mission wit de simple ingredients of tomatoes n onions n later we experimented wit eggs n potatoes..We somehow managed to make a colourfull gravy(ofcourse,tasteful) wit all those garam masala n stuff like dat.. n spread the aromas all around...Those mondays n thursdays,we used to ve heavenly food during our dinners.. We took chapathis frm mess n combine it wit the gravy we made it in our room n it goes well wit "Tang"(Our all-time companion)..Oh God,dats a divine food!! Dats a good start for my cooking saga..
And soon aftter, I got married, to earn the so-called "good cook" name n to impress my in-laws(ofcourse,my husband), i tried to mastery over cooking n still in de process of learning..n my sis n husband were de one poor souls who were in de testing department to authenticate my experiments..Well, dats how dis "land of aromas" emerged n one more valid reason is my boredom drove me to start dis blog..